This week was the first time it ever dawned upon me to purchase a lottery ticket... I figured, if G-d could split the sea, surely making me win the lottery isn’t that big a deal—even if the odds are 178 million to one. I thought our Chabad Center could probably make use of an extra $300 million... investing it in a new home for the Center’s various activities-- a school, a gym, community center, social hall and shul. Well, I waited for that lucky call, and you guessed it- it never came.
This coming Shabbat marks the start of the first month of the Jewish calendar, the month of Nissan. You may be wondering, why then do we celebrate Rosh Hashanah-- the head of the new year-- six months later in Tishrei? The reason for this is because Nissan is traditionally marked as the head of months, whereas Tishrei signifies the head of the year. As such, the Jewish calendar is characterized by two heads.
The Tishrei head represents the natural order of the world; indeed, it was in Tishrei that the world was created. The Nissan head represents the miraculous; it was in this month that the Israelites were extraordinarily redeemed from their Egyptian bondage. The Jewish calendar accommodates both cycles, because together they form the essence of the Jew-- although citizens of the physical universe, Jews are privy to a supernatural connection to G-d.
So with this in mind, I realized why I had not hit the jackpot. Throughout our history, we’ve witnessed G-d’s penchant for performing jaw-dropping miracles, yet those kinds of miracles are few and far between. Because what G-d really likes is miracles clothed in nature. In accordance with G-d’s preferred methods, He expects us, His chosen nation, to likewise lead a natural life in a physical world despite our supernatural tendencies, seeking G-dliness within the parameters of nature. So since scooping a $300 million fortune hovers on the supernatural extreme, G-d clearly ruled it out.
Sarah* had been attending Chabad Israel Center’s services for quite some time. Her search for a spouse became increasingly desperate as time dragged on. This past Simchas Torah, Chabad threw a lavish sushi party. Mike* had never been to a Chabad House before-- he considered himself too irreligious and secular. However, when he heard about the huge sushi spread, he decided to give it a shot. Sarah and Mike met that night, and just a few days ago Sarah shared with me the wonderful news that they will be getting married this summer. I told her that now I know why we had to spend so much money for the party…to attract her husband.
If each of us examines the story of our lives, we will discover that G-d has been with us every step of the way. Many times He’s hard to recognize, but eventually, He always reveals Himself. The two Jewish heads teach us that G-d prefers to clothe His miracles within natural garments, rather than lighting up the sky with a nature-defying feat. Sarah, like many of us, struggled in an area of her life. But eventually, despite the mundane, unromantic circumstances, when her Prince Charming showed up, to Sarah, G-d had just performed another miracle as elaborate as the Splitting of the Sea.
*Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals