A monstrous tornado roared through Oklahoma this week, decimating entire neighborhoods, killing at least 24 people including 9 children, and injuring hundreds. The footage looks surreal and other-worldly. In less than one hour thousands of lives were drastically changed.
No other weather phenomenon can match the destructive power and fury of the tornado. In fact the Oklahoma tornado packed more energy than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I’m no meteorologist, but I do know that the formation of a tornado requires the presence of both cool air and warm air mixing together.
This week’s Torah portion also discusses the power of the warm-air-cool-air combination.
The High Priest is instructed to light the seven-branched, pure gold menorah each morning. The flames burned right through the night, symbolizing the Divine light which radiated from the Holy Temple to the world. Essentially, he was mixing warm air (the flickering menorah) with cool air (the outside world).
Like the High Priest, our job in this world is to illuminate the world. When we reach out to those around us and show them kindness and generosity, we are sending warm air into the cool atmosphere, creating a tornado of goodness and kindness.
Rhonda Crosswhite created one such tornado this week. She draped her body across six students inside a Plaza Towers Elementary School bathroom stall. She focused on providing what little comfort she could to the screaming and sobbing children beneath her. The tornado of warmth and purity that she created is not limited to Oklahoma—it reverberates across the entire country and beyond, and we admire her and learn from her example.
The courageous teachers in Oklahoma have inspired and touched people across the globe. We’ve all watched the news coverage and heard about neighbors, friends and strangers all helping people get out from the rubble. Oklahoma City Chabad House, run by Rabbi Ovadia Goldman, immediately opened their doors to those in need of shelter or comfort. The Chabad volunteers canvassed the affected areas, bringing food, water and other necessities to the shocked survivors. Rabbi Goldman arranged the shipping of 20,000 pounds of meat and 1000 pounds of cheese products to the relief area. These people have inspired us all.
Let’s take that inspiration and translate it into action. Together we can create a large-scale tornado of kindness bulldozing the earth. And when we create and grow that tornado, it will surely penetrate the very Heavens and demand our dear Father in Heaven bring the final and eternal Redemption—an era where we will know no more pain, sadness or suffering.
Let’s get to work!