I have a friend who I text from time to time. Mysteriously, he never, ever responds.
"Can you make it to our Sunday morning services? We really need you for the minyan."
No response.
"Can you join us for a Torah class on Tuesday night?"
No response.
"We need a pair of hands to set up for our Purim party, are you available?"
No response.
"Got an hour to help us get our sukkah up?"
No response.
Now, it's fine if someone can't, or doesn't want to, help out. But most people at least text back to let me know. To just completely ignore me? Who does that?!
So I confronted him.
"I don't understand, Rabbi," he said. "There must be something wrong with my phone. I haven't received any of your texts!"
Hmm... this guy has the brand new Iphone 5, with all the latest apps, and it works perfectly in every other way except getting my texts? So I continued texting him, and he maintained his silence.
Then, this past Friday afternoon, I was completely astounded (shocked! astonished! flabbergasted!) to receive a text message from this very same friend. Suddenly, his text messaging system is working flawlessly... and at such a convenient time - right when he needed something. Ha. Mystery solved.
Such is the story of our lives. When G-d wants something from us, we are nowhere to be found. We have all kinds of excuses, and we convince ourselves that even the ludicrous ones sound plausible. But when we need G-d, all our excuses fall by the wayside and we are suddenly ready, willing and able to reach out.
It's like the young man who dreamed of heaven. An angel was showing him around a large workroom, staffed by angels.
First they stopped at the Receiving Station. Here, all prayers and petitions to G-d are received. There were rolls and rolls of paper, from all over the world. Dozens of angels scurried about, organizing and sorting.
Further along, they reached the Packaging and Delivery section. This is where the blessings are packaged and delivered to the people who asked for them. Like the previous area, this station was extremely busy. Dozens of angels worked feverishly to get the blessings back to Earth.
The last station was at the very back of the room. Unlike the first two, this one was practically deserted. A single angel sat there idly. "This is the Acknowledgement station," my guide explained. "Unfortunately, after people receive the blessings they seek, very few send back appreciation and acknowledgement."
In this week's Torah portion we read about the Tabernacle, which was finally ready for the Divine Presence to rest within. Today, we no longer have the Tabernacle, or the Temple. We have no physical sanctuary at all. But every day, with each good deed that we do, we work towards building the third and final Holy Temple. This is what we can do for G-d on a daily basis.
Let's remember to acknowledge and thank G-d for the beauty and goodness in our lives. Of course, we can turn to him when we are in need, too. But let's not wait until then. Let's start right now, with gratitude and appreciation.