This week I logged into my Facebook account and lo and behold, there’s a brand new feature. Until now, the only options (other than commenting) were to either “like” something or ignore it entirely. But there are so many situations which call for more than that.
When my friend had a new baby, the “like” button was insufficient. I didn’t just like the news, I loved it!
And how to respond to someone’s heartfelt, beautifully-written eulogy for a recently passed loved one? “Liking” seems wrong, because I certainly don’t “like” their loss. But I don’t want to ignore it either.
Likewise, when I was shocked to see which presidential candidate a friend supports, I had no means of expressing my outrage.
Finally, this week, Facebook presented a solution. Meet “reactions.” Now, users can choose to react to a post with either: “Love,” “Haha,” “Wow,” “Sad,” or “Angry.”
As Jews, we can learn a lot from this.
The problem with “like,” is that it contains no emotion. It’s too dry. We need more passion than a passive “like,”
Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that so far, “love” is by far the most popular of the new buttons. People don’t just want to “like” something; they want to “love” it.
We read in the Shema prayer daily, “And you shall love the L-rd your G-d.” Judaism demands passion and vibrancy. It’s not enough to just “like” G-d, we have to love Him.
We need to find our passion for doing mitvot, like going to shul, learning Torah and putting on tefillin.
We need to feel fiery about helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
We need to yearn for Shabbat, its rest and holiness.
We need to find that love, for G-d and His mitzvot, and apply it to our lives. Display passion!
But what happens when we don’t love Him?
That’s why we have the other options: “Sad,” Angry,” etc.
It’s better to be angry, than to not feel at all. Any passion, even anger toward G-d, is better than lack of feeling. As long as there is passion and feeling, there is a relationship. Without a relationship, we’re in trouble.
So, how’s your relationship with G-d?