The horrific murder of 19 beautiful children and 2 innocent adults rocked our nation—and the entire world—this week. Our hearts are heavy, our eyes filled with tears. We cry for the Uvalde community, and pray for the comfort and healing of all the families.
This massacre, perhaps more than any other, has hit home. We’ve all been students. We all know teachers. Many of us are parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. We know the purity of children and absolute ferocity of parental love.
This was no accident. This was brutal, targeted evil. This deranged gunman first shot his own grandmother and even had the audacity to post about it on social media – the sheer chutzpah!
In a school. A school! The place many of our children spend the majority of their waking hours. A safe place. A refuge.
As a father, my heart clenches painfully when I think about the families and children of Robb Elementary School. Words are inadequate. How can we even begin to fathom their pain and their longing?
And the fear spreads to every student and every teacher in this country. What happened in Uvalde can happen anywhere. The anxiety is palpable.
There have been more than 200 mass shootings in the US in 2022, which means that there have been more mass shootings than days this year.
So what can we do? What is our response?
We can never wipe away the tears of the families in Uvalde; but we can try to combat the dark forces of evil that led us here. The only answer in the face of such monstrosity is love and good deeds. The only way to combat darkness is to bring extra light into the world. Each mitzvah we perform, each resolution we make, will help begin to wipe our tears.
Let’s bring G-d into our lives, lets educate our children about G-d, about loving Him and about praying to Him
Let’s keep the families and victims in our hearts and minds, let’s pray for them and dedicate our mitzvot to their healing.
Let’s pray for an era where there will be no more violence, murder, or bloodshed!
May we merit to see the coming of Moshiach right now!