My wife and I were sitting together last week, when an email notification came in from our website, informing us that we’d received a donation of $250,000!
We are in the middle of our annual fundraising gala season, so thank G-d many donations are coming through. That wasn’t unusual. But receiving one for such a large number from a name neither of us recognized, now that is unusual.
We both wracked our minds and looked through our contacts to see if we could figure out who Mary was, but we came up blank.
Next, we wondered if it was a scam.
A quick Google search revealed that Mary was a real person with a Park Avenue address. Moreover, how many people have credit cards that will allow them to transfer $250,000? But the payment did actually come through, so we figured it must be a legitimate donation. Astounding!
I did some rapid mental calculations and within a minute or two had already figured out how we would spend the money to help our severely wounded soldiers with items they need.
The euphoria lasted for exactly nine minutes.
Mary called our office and apologized profusely for the mistake, explaining that she had intended to donate $250, not $250,000. And just like that, in the span of 10 minutes, we had made $250,000 and then lost $250,000. Unfortunately, because of our credit card processor fee, that well-intended donation of $250 actually ended up costing us almost $8000.
The Baal Shem Tov taught that everything we see and experience in life contains a lesson for us in our spiritual service. Here are three lessons I’m taking from this experience:
1. Life is full of highs and lows, every day, in every arena. The one immovable truth is our Father in Heaven. In all situations, whether we’re up $250K or down $250K, we know that G-d is with us and show gratitude for everything He provides.
2. There are no shortcuts in life! You have to work hard to make $250K. I am sure Hashem is looking out for us and will send us what we need through another avenue.
3. Every dollar we make is predetermined by G-d on Rosh Hashanah. It is our responsibility to create a vessel for His blessings to pour forth. Why He gave us 250K and then took it away nine minutes later I do not know, but perhaps it was to remind us that all money comes from Heaven.