
Post Election – What Now?

Thursday, 8 November, 2012 - 11:50 am

election 2012.jpgWhen Golda Meir was the Prime Minister of Israel, she wrote to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, encouraging him to make Israel his priority.

He wrote back, “First I am an American citizen, second Secretary of State, and third a Jew.”

To which Golda Meir responded, "In Israel when we read, we start from the other direction!"

America has just finished a long, divided election campaign; the costliest campaign in U.S. history. Both parties and their supporters worked tirelessly, but ultimately Obama was re-elected.

I received dozens of phone calls and emails from those who were distressed that Romney lost, as well as those who were pleased Obama won. Facebook and twitter provided a platform for everyone’s jubilation and outrage. 

When she woke up on Wednesday morning, my six-year-old daughter asked me, “Who won the election?" I looked at her in surprise, wondering how she knew anything about the election. I asked her, "Which election are you talking about?" and she said, "Obama or Romney, who won?" When I told her Obama won, she answered, "Oh man! I wanted Romney to win." 

One of the emails I received read, “I’m very depressed. Obama is going to take all our money and destroy Israel. Why bother with anything?” And it was not the only one. Many people are anxious about Israel. How will Israel fare under another term with the current administration?

One thing was clear with this election: People on both sides feel very passionately. Very few people are shrugging their shoulders saying, “It’s not what I wanted, not what I would have chosen, but it will be ok.” Most people are either thrilled and excited or angry and upset.

In this week’s Torah portion, Chayei Sara, we meet Avraham’s servant, Eliezer, who was sent to find Yitzchak a bride. He travelled to Charan, watched Rivkah at the well, and became convinced that she was the one for Yitzchak. When he meets her family, the very first thing he tells them is, “I am a servant of Avraham.”


Eliezer was a person who dedicated his entire being, heart and soul, to his master. His very essence screamed: I am nothing but a servant to my master Avraham.

We can learn from Eliezer, in terms of our relationship with G-d. The very first thing we need to be conscious of at all times is our servitude to our Creator. More important than anything else in the world, is our acknowledging, “I am a servant to G-d.”

It’s easy to get so caught up in the election and its outcome that we forget Who is really in charge. We must remember: Neither candidate is G-d! So there is no reason to be depressed that Romney lost, or super excited that Obama won. The world is not ending, nor has the Messiah arrived.

G-d is the One Who runs the world and determines our health and livelihood. It doesn’t come from the President, it all comes from G-d. What’s important is not who sits in the white house, but Who sits on the heavenly throne. He is the One we need to be most concerned about.

First and foremost, we are Jews. 

May G-d guide President Obama in the right direction. May He grant him the wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions for this magnificent country. I wish the President much success with this huge responsibility. 

Comments on: Post Election – What Now?

Ci wrote...

Just what I thought...if G-d has decided to continue the president's term, may he be blessed to be an instrument of higher good...

(the 6 yr!)

rm wrote...

Your post didnt help me one bit...we are still screwed.