America is 53 days away from electing the most powerful leader in the world, and people are demanding answers about the health status of the candidates.
In order to make decisions that impact the entire world, day after day, a person needs to be healthy. As voters, we need to be certain that the person we choose will be up to the task, both mentally and physically, for the next four years.
Both Hillary and Donald have promised to release certificates from their doctors detailing their health and confirming that they are healthy enough to become the next president.
What about us?
Are we healthy? Spiritually healthy? When was the last time we checked in on our spiritual wellbeing and relationship with G-d?
The same way we demand our presidential candidates complete a health check, we need to evaluate our own health.
What is the status of our observance? Are we finding time daily for Torah study? Can we increase the amount for improved health? Are we lighting Shabbat candles every Friday night? Where are we up to with kosher observance?
We’re so concerned about Hillary and Donald, but can we produce a certificate from our Rabbi’s guaranteeing our own spiritual health?
The president of the United States is given the awesome responsibility of leading the free world. We too, have a pressing and monumental task—to be a light unto the nations. We are on a mission to make this world a better place by spreading goodness and kindness all around us.
Are we doing our job? Are we keeping ourselves healthy enough to maintain the spiritual stamina we need to complete the task?
We are currently in the month of Elul, which leads up to the holiday of Rosh Hashanah. We have 18 days to ensure that our spiritual records are up to par, so that when we pray, “Who will live and who will die?” we will surely be granted many long and healthy (physically and spiritually) years.
May you be written and inscribed for a good and sweet year!
Rabbi Uriel Vigler